Trivial Benefits in kind

How Trivial Benefits in Kind Supercharge Employers


In the realm of employee benefits, it’s not uncommon for employers to explore innovative ways to incentivize and reward their staff. One such avenue is the provision of trivial benefits in kind. These benefits, although often small in value, can yield significant advantages for employers. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the concept of trivial benefits in kind and shed light on the advantages they offer to employers.

Understanding Trivial Benefits in Kind:

Trivial benefits in kind refer to non-cash perks provided by employers to their employees. The term “trivial” implies that these benefits are of relatively low value, making them exempt from tax and National Insurance contributions (NICs) under certain conditions. This exemption allows employers to offer rewards to their employees without incurring additional tax liabilities or administrative burdens. Some advantages for Employers include:

1. Employee Engagement and Motivation:

By offering trivial benefits in kind, employers can enhance employee engagement and motivation. Even though these benefits may seem small, they can make a significant impact on an employee’s overall job satisfaction and well-being. The provision of these perks demonstrates that the employer recognises and appreciates their employees’ efforts, leading to increased loyalty, productivity, and job satisfaction.

2. Cost-Effective Rewards:

Trivial benefits in kind offer an affordable and cost-effective way for employers to reward their employees. These benefits are typically exempt from tax and NICs, reducing the financial burden on employers while still providing meaningful perks to their staff. Compared to larger benefits or salary increases, trivial benefits in kind can be a budget-friendly solution for recognising employee contributions.

3. Flexibility and Personalisation:

One of the key advantages of trivial benefits in kind is their flexibility and potential for personalisation. Employers can tailor these perks to suit individual employees’ preferences, ensuring that the rewards are relevant and meaningful to the recipients. Whether it’s a small gift, a meal voucher, or a company-sponsored event, these benefits can be customised to align with the diverse interests and needs of the workforce.

4. Positive Employer Branding:

In today’s competitive job market, attracting and retaining talented employees is crucial. Offering trivial benefits in kind can contribute to positive employer branding, helping to differentiate an organisation from its competitors. Word-of-mouth and positive experiences shared by employees can enhance the company’s reputation as an employer of choice. This, in turn, can attract top talent and foster a positive work culture.

5. Minimal Administrative Burden:

Implementing and managing trivial benefits in kind schemes typically involve minimal administrative burden for employers. Since these benefits are exempt from tax and NICs, there is no requirement for reporting or additional paperwork associated with taxation. Employers can focus on providing these rewards to their employees without spending excessive time and resources on administrative tasks.


Trivial benefits in kind provide employers with an attractive avenue for recognising and rewarding their employees without incurring tax liabilities or administrative complexities. These small yet meaningful perks can contribute to enhanced employee engagement, motivation, and loyalty. With the ability to personalise rewards and create positive employer branding, employers can leverage trivial benefits in kind as a cost-effective strategy to attract, retain, and inspire their workforce. By embracing these benefits, employers can create a work environment that fosters employee well-being, satisfaction, and productivity.